Vivoliker : Facebook – a leading social media platform where you share your stuff such as photos, videos and status with your friends and family. And they like your post if they find it interesting. Facebook also add a reaction button under the post, that you can react to someone post.
But now today getting facebook likes is not that easier when you have a small circle of friends. With such quantity of friends you can only get very few likes and reactions on facebook. If you are seeking for unlimited likes and followers on facebook then you must read our today’s article.
Vivoliker provide you hundreds of genuine facebook likes within seconds. You can get unlimited facebook likes, reactions and shares on your post this super cool app.
VivoLiker Download – free Facebook Auto Liker
VivoLiker is a website where you can get free facebook likes, comments and shares on your FB photo, video or status. You just need to follow few simple steps and fb likes automatically added on your post. Yeah, this is an fb auto liker that generates fb likes reactions and shares. You can also increase you followers with this tools.
The thing we find useful on this auto liker is you can customize your auto comments. You can add whatever text you want for each comment then post it on your fb photo. Vivo Liker available in both web and mobile version, so, you can get facebook auto likes and reactions on android and ios device as well.
An Indian FB auto liker vivo made things easier for your, just get unlimited facebook likes just doing only 3 steps. Here follow we share complete guide, how you can get facebook likes for free with the help of vivoliker.
if you want to explore other facebook auto liker in the market then read our article on best fb auto liker. This will give a list of all fb liker apps and sites.
How to get Facebook Likes with VivoLiker
First of all google the “vivo liker” and visit their site if your are on Desktop PC or iOS or google download Vivo Liker APK file from the link given on our site at the end of this article if you have Android device. In the above image you can see the interface of the site.
Then generate token that will help you to login on site and getting free fb likes. For this Click over the Button named as “Get Access Token Here”, clicking over the button will open up a popup window you can seen in the following screenshot.
Write the your facebook user name and password in the mentioned fields and click on “Get Token” button.
Doing this will show a long text in the “Token Box”, copy the whole text and go back to main interface of the site and paste the copied Token in the input field given just below the “Get Access Token Here” button then put the capcha in its field and click over the login button.

Once you get logged in you will see the Vivo Liker User dashboard on screen.

Now here on the screen you can see the different button for different options, click over the button what you want to do. As, We want to increase our facebook likes and we clicked over like button.
Now, this opens a new screen in-front of you where you can see your FB profile and a blank input field with a placeholder. Write the post FB post ID/URl in the field get click over “Get Status Info” link. This will show all the post available on your profile and you will send “Send Likes” button with each post, click on it.
Another famous auto liker 4liker app that also helps you to get unlimited facebook likes over your posts. To download 4liker app check the article and get the apk file.
Then you can see a popup box open up on the screen specify the here the quantity of the likes and location and then click over “Send Likes” button that’s it. Facebook auto likes will be automatically added into your account.
Once your credit finished, it will take 10 minutes to recharge again. So, wait for some moments to get likes for next time.
Download Vivoliker APK
One of the best auto liker not only allow you to get FB likes but also Instagram auto likes and share. you can download vivoliker apk file from the following link.
Unforetunately, I did not available in .ipa file and you can have its mobile version on iphone or ipad so, use the web version on iOS devices.
Important Note
Please one thing remember in your mind that, this does not have any link with official Facebook and It is developed by third-party developers and takes you original FB credentials to generate its token. If only for fun to use and do not recommended to use it on your business account or account where you have personal information.
In case of any trouble to your account we and Facebook will not be responsible, so, be careful before using it.